Flower Day: Working With the Moon

Rose geranium harvested and ready to be distilled.









Flower Day: Working With the Moon

Why is it that those of us who have developed sensitivities to subtle energies can feel intimidated by those rendered ignorant by lopsided rationalism?  Traditionally the farmer intuitively knew these realms of existence, bowing his or her head to the phases and signs of the moon and to other subtle forces in operation.
Today the moon is in Gemini, an air (flower) sign and an ideal time to harvest and distill rose geranium and to take cuttings of the lavender for 1000 new plants. We will harvest before noon while the etheric energies are rising in the plants.

Learning to listen and regain a sensitivity so easily obscured by our thinking is one of the challenges of our age. This is the realm of what Depth and Analytical Psychologists call the Feminine. It determines the way we approach ourselves, each other, and the earth, a kind of active receptivity and relatedness.

Remembering these sensitivities while also respecting our developed intellect offers hope that we can learn to live in balance with our planet.