October: Vineyard Cleanup

Loading rejected hay into truck with blackberry brambles. October: Vineyard Cleanup October is one of our busiest months. We clean out the invasive Himalayan blackberries that have sprouted by the small pond and take them, along with the organic hay we bought two years ago—and our goats refused to eat—to the county composting facility. The… Read more »


Dandelion adapted to our thin, dry top soils of northern California. My mother would have thought I was crazy, planting dandelion seeds in my garden! She tried to get rid of dandelions, although not too hard. We had a lot of them, the yellow heads and hollow stems dotting our yard each spring. My sister… Read more »

Cup of Tea for Young Lot Sophia

Young Lot Sophia lavender the first week of May. After fermenting the compost tea for at least 24 hours, we serve the young Lot Sophia plants about a cup each. The plants are pushing some growth, which means they are rooting in, and this tea will provide a good source of nutrition to facilitate this… Read more »