
Tiny bud. Within a couple of days, leaves will be unfolding.                 Budbreak Yesterday Ramon asked that the goats no longer walk through the vines as the buds have swollen into white fuzzy bulblike balls and will be unfolding within the day into tiny leaves (delicacies to a… Read more »

A Job Well Done!

Leaves are beginning to yellow and close down for the year. A Job Well Done! After the harvest we give the vines a deep watering, a kind of thank you for a job well done. Soon we will do series of sprays. The leaves are yellowing, closing down for the year, and before they drop,… Read more »

Full Bloom Only Eight Weeks Away?

Lavender is still in its wintering mounds, just beginning to send up growth. Yesterday a friend said, “It’s only eight weeks until your Open House!” Yikes!  I thought. This time of year I always go through the same anxiety: will the lavender be in bloom for the Open House? Right now it is just beginning… Read more »

Scheduling Spring Biodynamic Sprays

Using Thun calendar to schedule sprays on our work calendar. In March and April, I schedule our biodynamic sprays for the season using Maria Thun’s Sowing and Planting Calendar. In the spring we spray the aromatics with horned quartz (“501”) three times on moon sign flower days, once each in Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. The… Read more »