On Violence and a Holy Tree

Holy Thorn, Glastonbury, England Photo by Patricia Damery On Violence and a Holy Tree   by Patricia Damery In October 2010 my husband Donald and I visited Glastonbury, England, and the legendary Holy Thorn tree on Wearyall Hill. The thorn tree has always been sacred in the British Isles, the hawthorn associated with May and… Read more »


Article by Patricia Damery and Photo Art by Bill Fulton Meditation at First Light Finally Fire flares and the stove clucks. Too much worry. But the day warms even in the dark. Manitou In my late 20’s I had one of the more important dreams of my life. I dreamed of war and devastation, and… Read more »

Abundant Life: A Christmas Story

  Abundant Life: A Christmas Story This is another reprint of my favorite personal Christmas stories, those stories that remain in my heart this season. My departure from organized religion began when I realized “eternal life” was “abundant life”— spiritually abundant. At the moment of epiphany I was sitting on the stage near the altar of… Read more »

Goats and Grief

Article by Patricia Damery Photo art by Bill Fulton Meditation at First Light November 23 Ah, Sophia. She didn’t grow her winter coat. Nothing we could do. Goats and Grief  Our veterinarian told us that goats grieve deeply after we lose four within a few months. First, there was Natalie, 14 1/2 years, old by… Read more »

Go Dark

Go Dark article by Patricia Damery Meditation at First Light October 18 Little Death Is writing a poem a little death of long agendas, the ones we cultivate like invasive ornamentals? Go Dark In a poem, Wendell Berry states, “To know the dark, go dark.”[1] Many years ago when my sons were 8 and 10,… Read more »

Meditations at First Light

Meditations at First Light   by Patricia Damery Photo Art: Bill Fulton A year ago I began an experiment.  Inspired by a friend’s series of short, haiku-like poems, I resolved to write a short poem a day for a month which, to my surprise, soon extended to a year. At first, I was daunted by… Read more »

Planting Potatoes

Planting Potatoes article by Patricia Damery Carl Jung was said to be an earthy man. He derived pleasure in growing his own potatoes despite his intellectual interests. During the Second World War he plowed up part of his yard to do so. “Every man should have his own plot of land so that the instincts… Read more »

Loss of Farmland, Loss of Soul

Loss of Farmland, Loss of Soul Article by Patricia Damery What is the impact on the human soul of a people losing the land they farm along with their right livelihood? Growing up on a small farm in the Midwest, I was of the last generation to be raised in a large, predominately rural culture…. Read more »

“Where Land and Spirit Meet”

“Where Land and Spirit Meet” Patricia Damery, poems & images Leah Shelleda & Bill Fulton, poems & images Sunday, Septer 19 3:30 – 5:30 Jung Institute of San Francisco 2040 Gough Street If you plan on attending please call 415-771-8055, ext 208