Grace in a Flock of Goldfinches

Grace in a Flock of Goldfinches

This morning: a flock of American goldfinches chattering in a still dormant valley oak by Casey and Melissa’s house. Fresh feathers bright yellow against blue, blue sky. Over two inches of rain the last two days, and everything sparkles, air as crispy as goldfinch chatter.

It’s been almost 10 months since I posted here! The shoemaker’s children always go barefoot!—This week I crossed my fingers and finally submitted Fruits of Eden: Napa and the Quest for a Conscious Activism to three agents! Another phase.

But the goldfinches remind me: celebrate! The sun reveals prisms in raindrops as the goldfinches “sweetly sing their twittering song.” (as described by Hermann Heinzel, Birds of Napa County.)

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