Title: Marked By Fire
Genre/Keywords: Non-Fiction
Length: 183 pages
Publisher: Fisher King Press
Release date: April 15, 2012
ISBN-10: 1926715683
ISBN-13: 978-1926715681
Extras: Goodreads
Purchase: Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iBooks
Book Summary:
A soulful collection of essays that illuminate the inner life.
“This life is the way, the long sought after way to the unfathomable which we call divine.”
—C.G. Jung, The Red Book
When Soul appeared to C.G. Jung and demanded he change his life, he opened himself to the powerful forces of the unconscious. He recorded his inner journey, his conversations with figures that appeared to him in vision and in dream in The Red Book. Although it would be years before The Red Book was published, much of what we now know as Jungian psychology began in those pages, when Jung allowed the irrational to assault him. That was a century ago.
How do those of us who dedicate ourselves to Jung’s psychology respond to Soul’s demands in our own lives? If we believe, with Jung, in “the reality of the psyche,” how does that shape us? The articles in Marked By Fire portray direct experiences of the unconscious; they tell life stories about the fiery process of becoming ourselves.
Contributors to Marked by Fire: Stories of the Jungian Way include: Jerome S. Bernstein, Claire Douglas, Gilda Frantz, Jacqueline Gerson, Jean Kirsch, Chie Lee, Karlyn M. Ward, Henry Abramovitch, Sharon Heath, Dennis Patrick Slattery, Robert D. Romanyshyn, Patricia Damery, and Naomi Ruth Lowinsky.
Reviews of Marked By Fire:
“This book wishes to convey and honor… the development of a sense of personal, individual selfhood that is most crucial to our experience of life; and to the growth of our humanity of this earth.”
– R.E. Messer
“What a treasure trove this book is — a profound feast for our souls. Those of us who are Jungian analysts meet up with our colleagues in a most intimate way. And for the world beyond ours, it is a doorway into the inner life, struggles and sorrows of these mysterious beings called Jungian analysts. Furthermore, this is a collection of wonderful writers which makes the reading entirely enjoyable.”
– Connie Crosby, Jungian Analyst
“In Marked by Fire, the individuality of each author’s story shines vividly as we are told harrowing tales of love found or love gone wrong, devastating grief on the death of a spouse, life threatening illness, …as well as the soul-searing damage of abandonment or neglect form parents of marriage partners. Each story engages the reader with the unexpected nature of such wounding.”
– “Light on Contemporary Inner Life,” Jung Journal: Culture and Psyche, Vol. 7:2, by Suzanne Wagner, senior analyst, writer of documentary Matter of Heart and director of the Remembering Jung film series
“What stands out most for the reader is the absolute necessity that surfaces in each author’s life to discover what emerges from the deepest cauls of the unconscious. The storytellers go beyond personal experiences with family to a deeper layer of generations past. Although the various authors write about difficult work, the long-term growth and rewards of that work are clearly palpable. The reader gains inspiration in recognizing that these people with widely ranging backgrounds have discovered a common source of potentiality and growth.”
– “Soul Speaks to Soul,” Jung Journal: Culture and Psyche, Vol. 7:2, by George Wagner, President, Wind Harvest International and executive producer of the film Matter of Heart and the Remembering Jung film series
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