Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox

Another image from the Geography of Hope Conference, as invoked in a closing “prayer” by  West Marin resident Diane as she placed us in geographic historical context:


The equinox sunrise is sited in a Serpent Mound
alignment. Attunement with astrological
events was important to our ancestors.
You may have met Norma Churchill at the lavender
booth if you attended the Open House these last years.
She is  a great advocate of serpents and lavender.

At 4:02 am PDST early this Wednesday morning March 20, all over the world everyone will  experience a balance of equal amounts of daylight and dark hours. At that moment we are joined as one. Then the balance shifts until it occurs again September 22, 2013, the Fall Equinox. Twice a year everyone on earth experiences this oneness.

I am left wondering how this knowledge, once so central to collective rituals, has informed the formation of the psyche and how this knowledge might impact us now, even if we are not consciously aware of it.