
Stirring to create vortex.


Stirring  affords an intimacy with the land.  When we stir, as many of us as possible  participate. We each are unique in the way we stir, so it is important to have the imprint of each of our energies in the stirred preps.
When we stir, we throw the water into chaos, that state, it is said,  in which the water is most open to the divinity of the “prep.” We stir clockwise, creating a vortex to the bottom of the stirring vessel, and then reverse, stirring counterclockwise, until a vortex is created. I allow some time once the vortex has been created before reversing. 
The clashing of the polarities in the barrel creates important chaos. In C. G. Jung’s words, we hold the opposites; in Biodynamic philosopher Manfred Klett’e words, we “energize polarities.” Although we each stir differently, we all hold intention for life being in balance. When I stir, I hold the feeling of love, stretching my heart to reach the entire ranch. I picture everything and everyone flourishing. This is a time the land may speak. It may be in image: something needed. More water water here, mulch there. More pruning. It may be a needed shift in my own attitude.  We all have made Faustian bargains, selling our souls, and that of our earth, for profit and earthly gain. So in this meditation, I hold that too, and listen to the Earth and how I might participate in healing the damage I have participated in.
Manuel Klett:  
A tension is created and polarity manifests. Your feeling is within the polarity. In feeling, you reach at moments to a higher stage of consciousness, of presence of mind. You may get intuitions, sudden insights, and you may begin to feel an identity with the farm. This ‘in between’ helps you understand (p.8, interview, see below).



Hunter Francis’ interview with Manuel Klett, Applied Biodynamics, Issue #64. “Working in the Midst of Polarity: Manuel Klett’s Further Reflections on Biodynamics.”