Riping Chardonnay grapes One of the challenges of grape growing is that of controlling powdery mildew or botrytis after the grapes start developing their sugars (veraison). During the growing season we use elemental sulfur, but as we get within 5-6 weeks of harvest, we must stop. The sulfur is known to leave a… Read more »
Tomatilla in late afternoon. Biodynamics is one of the few disciplines that addresses the forces behind what we “see.” It requires more quiet to feel these forces, another consciousness even, balanced with reason. What is it about light that opens these portals? The late afternoon sun shining through the tomatilla skin… Read more »
Tiny bud. Within a couple of days, leaves will be unfolding. Budbreak Yesterday Ramon asked that the goats no longer walk through the vines as the buds have swollen into white fuzzy bulblike balls and will be unfolding within the day into tiny leaves (delicacies to a… Read more »
Chardonnay grapes in evening. Late July is a time that Ramon is particularly vigilant in the vineyard for mildew in the bunches. He says he smells it if it is present as he walks through the vines. We spray fermented equisetum tea (508) at the new and full moon (a ground spray, which encourages the… Read more »
Equisetum Tea: decrease our use of sulfur in the vineyards is the use of equisetum tea. Step-by-step guide to preparing Equisetum Tea at home.
Equisetum Tea Measuring the dried equisetum for tea. One of the reasons that we can decrease our use of sulfur in the vineyards is the use of equisetum tea. Never is the difference between conventional and Biodynamic farming more evidenced! In conventional farming fungicides and sulfur (not a chemical and thereby also acceptable in organic… Read more »
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