Re-membering Ourselves into the Cycle of the Whole

Re-membering Ourselves into the Cycle of the Whole

Each year there is only one time this picture can happen: this (December) time of year, this (late morning) time of day. Each year  I am taken aback when I see the shadow tree sprouting again from the pot. It slows me down! For a few moments balance is achieved within and without.
It is that we seek in our farming: working with natural forces to nurture the tree of life, an exquisite apprehension of balance and beauty.

Working with the lunar calendar in our farming serves this work with the cosmic and the earth forces. We are more aware of our place in the whole and the impact of the cosmos on our daily movings, something our hurried lives can obscure.

In a quote from this morning, a translated quote from Rainer Maria Rilke: Only when we tarry do we touch the holy.

What are the seasonal moments on your land that remember you into the cycle of the whole, touching the holy?