BC Prep and Radiation: Bring Balance in Hard Times

Photo Art by Bill Fulton








BC Prep and Radiation: Bring Balance in Hard Times

In consulting with the Josephine Porter Institute this morning, I learned that calcium will help mitigate harm from any possible radiation coming our way. One way to get this is through the barrel compost, or “BC prep,” which includes eggshells and calcium. One unit (1/3 cup per acre) is stirred for 20 minutes in three gallons of water and then sprayed on the earth. This is done in the late afternoon.
We will be spraying the fields this afternoon as well as the perimeter of our land. While we spray, our hearts extend outward, all the way to Japan.

If you also want to spray your land or garden, either as a way to mitigate harmful effects of possible radiation, or as a gift spray to the earth (and Japan), you can order BC Prep from Josephine Porter Institute.

We were advised to repeat this spray three times. See our post on how to spray small places, also posted today.