Liminality is a word that people ask me to repeat twice when I say it, as if they didn’t hear it quite right the first time. As a Jungian analyst, I recognize the liminal state as that of many entering treatment. The old way no longer works, but the new hasn’t materialized. Our Western-European culture… Read more »
On Ecological Sustainability: Judith Parrish, Plant Ecologist
My first interview on ecological sustainability is with my sister Judy Damery Parrish, Chair of the Biology Department at Millikin University in Decatur, Illinois. She is a passionate teacher who loves the earth with fierceness, reflected in here. What is your background and how did you come to ecology? I grew up on a farm and spent many… Read more »
Russian River: All Rivers
The Russian River is a great, lazy serpent in the summer. Her lovely green body curves through redwoods and vineyards, through open meadows and old tourist resorts, on her way to Jenner and the Pacific. I raised my sons well into their elementary years on that river. We learned her many moods: her rushing insistence in the… Read more »
In Search of a Land Ethic: The Grand Coalition
On Tuesday afternoon, January 20, 2015, The Grand Coalition of Napa County met. Fifty of us sat around a square assemblage of tables representing ten citizen groups who have been addressing land use issues in Napa County over these last years. Some have formed non-profits which hired experts and attorneys to address some of the developing problems… Read more »
Dark Gift of Watershed Issues
Dark Gift of Watershed Issues If life were a current, we have reached a rapids on land use issues in the Napa Valley. As above, so below: how to view these outer issues in a “so below”, inner context? These issues are also a microcosm of what is happening on our earth. Perhaps the dark… Read more »
Trauma, Chaos, and the Psycho-spiritual task of our Time
Is it possible our psycho-spiritual task of this time is to develop the fortitude to tolerate chaos long enough that we are able to birth something entirely new? Are we in a spiritual pregnancy, of sorts, and birth is imminent? This process is in the collective. Like a supersaturated solution, suddenly crystals form in so… Read more »
Mary Pipher’s Answer to “Willful Ignorance”
Mary Pipher, author, psychotherapist, and activist, spoke at the recent Future First Conference in Minneapolis, addressing the most dangerous defense the human race could adopt at this point, that of “willful ignorance”. According to Mary, willful ignorance occurs when we are caught between facing something too dreadful to acknowledge yet too dreadful to ignore. “Yet… Read more »
Train Travel and Life
Why do I love train travel so much? Every chance I get, I arrange “adventures” for family and friends that involve the rail, and they cheerfully oblige, at least the first time! Donald and I are traveling home from Minneapolis to Chicago, Chicago to Martinez, CA, now just beginning the climb after Denver into the Rockies. My iPhone… Read more »
Joanna Macy and Sustaining the Gaze
One of the many phrases that will stay with me from this week at Women’s Future First 2014 Congress is that of Joanna Macy: sustaining the gaze. Even though what we see in the world is frightening and enraging, it is so important we witness (not deny) what mankind has perpetrated upon our planet and to feel, to let ourselves have open hearts to… Read more »
Jung, Steiner, and Evolution of Consciousness
A recent seminar on Jung and Steiner and their contributions to an evolution of consciousness, held at the C. G. Jung Institute in San Francisco, was well attended by individuals schooled in both camps. This seems to be happening more and more: finding the common ground of these two men’s great works. Although contemporaries, Carl… Read more »
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