P.I. Passes Again

P.I. in years past. P.I. Passes Again Our animals grace us with their lovely bodies for such short stretches! This week P.I. passed back into the ethers. It seemed too soon, but then, it always does. He had lost a lot of weight over the last months. Everything we tried to correct with his thyroid… Read more »

David and Goliath: Taking on Glyphosates and Monsanto

Blogspot     There are many David and Goliath stories these days, stories it seems we love to hear. Perhaps we are comforted to think our actions count, that we can really do something. Even the Dali Lama gets into it with the famous quote, If you think you are too small to make a… Read more »

Art and the Dark Sun of Consciousness: Bilbao’s L’Art En Guerre

Art and the Dark Sun of Consciousness: Bilbao’s L’Art En Guerre Perhaps there could not be a more appropriate venue for the French art show L’Art En Guerre France, 1938-1947, than the Bilbao Guggenheim Museum. The show features artists, both famous and unknown, who painted throughout the occupation of France by Germany during the Second World War…. Read more »

When People and Land Lose Each Other

  “Wild is what happened when white man arrived,” I once heard Native American scholar Greg Sarris say. Today as I walk these ancient Spanish paths that interlace several remote, abandoned villages throughout the southern Pyrenees of the Sobarbre area, I broaden the statement: wild is what too often happens when a people who have… Read more »

Pilgrimage: Traveling with Leopold

Along the trail   Traveling with Aldo Leopold is a kind of pilgrimage, a focused awareness of what is present, and, once this is developed, feeling a participant with it. Hiking along one the most ancient pilgrimage trails on earth, Camino de Santiago (and only portions of it), I brought only one book, my old (and… Read more »

Thinking Like a Mountain: Aldo Leopold

Hairy Woodpecker Cornell Lab of Ornithology The Saturday afternoon of the Geography of Hope Conference on Aldo Leopold sponsored by Point Reyes Bookstore last weekend, offered field trips. I chose the Mt. Wittenberg hike because it was strenuous and one of my favorite hikes in the world. As it turned out, to use one of… Read more »

Further Reflections on the Pow Wow

Further Reflections on the Pow Wow One cannot hear the drums nor watch the young dancers bedecked in hoof rattles and colorful bird feathers without, upon returning home, listening closer to the whispers across the meadow. Are these the whispers of those who for 10,000 years walked the paths I follow daily, camped along what… Read more »