Social Media and the Feminine When I first published Farming Soul, one of my greatest surprises was the initiation into the social media, something with which I had little contact. I had no idea what a blog was and I didn’t have a Facebook page, thinking that was only for teenagers. So when Mel Mathews of… Read more »
Farming and Politics: A Personal Story
Farming Couple, about 1900, identity unknown. Photographers, Ed Damery and Mr. Sutman Farming and Politics: A Personal Story Some years ago my oldest son Jesse interviewed my father for a school project. My father lived his entire life on a small Illinois farm. In early years he and his family raised several crops as well… Read more »
“…the psychological problem of our age is a spiritual problem, a religious problem,” (C. G. Jung Speaking:Interviews and Encounters) Enough Some many years ago I was invited to a potluck at a friend Jan’s home. Jan had made a dish that was one of her eight-year-old daughter’s favorites, and when Kayla saw the dish, she… Read more »
On Grumpiness and Biodynamic Certification
Records: not my cup of tea!! Each year about this time we are confronted with accounting for our farming practices over the last year and reporting our plans for the next. This is no small matter! In Biodynamic organic certification, we annually update four (long!) documents, two for Demeter Biodynamic certification, two… Read more »
Two Announcements!
Two Announcements! Two events: a Radio interview and a Dialogue. Radio Interview: Check out Gray Scott’s radio interview of Patricia Damery on Serious Wonder Radio THE LATEST EPISODE: EPISODE #19 BIODYNAMIC FARMING What is biodynamic farming? Can we heal our bodies, the earth and raise our awareness by using this method? Gray Scott talks with… Read more »
Epiphany: Three Kings Preparation
Epiphany: Three Kings Preparation At the turning of the year, each January 6, we do a “gift” spray on our ranch: The Three Kings Preparation. It is a time of gratitude to the land for its gracious abundance and of renewed promise to work with the land and all that resides there in… Read more »
The Nature of the Way: Marked by Fire
Detail of the Way You know when you find your path, because there is a little extra energy there that tugs on you. It is seldom something you planned. The alchemists knew this path: when everything is black, then you know you are on the right course. Before it’s over, everything not connected… Read more »
Manger Scene
Manger Scene My sister and I called the nativity the “manger scene”. We would get the set out of the attic for the first Sunday in Advent. The scene had the holy family, of course, and an assortment of angels, but also a cow, donkey, two sheep, and a shepherd. My grandmother’s set was so… Read more »
On Designing a Building— Or Writing a Novel
On Designing a Building— Or Writing a Novel In this season of the dark when we await the return of the light, I offer this story of relationship to mystery. A building or town will only be alive to the extent that it is governed by the timeless way. It is a process which… Read more »
Why I believe in Santa Claus
Why I believe in Santa Clause I have been thinking about Santa Claus, that jolly old Christmas saint of giving. To me he is as sparkly as Christmas lights, one of the few mysteries we participate in collectively. As a young child I remember being taken to the “real” Santa who arrived in… Read more »
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