Supporting Pollinators and Future First!

Supporting Pollinators and Future First! I wish that you could be here with me at this Future First! Women’s Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The conference began with a panel of women experts in bee populations, birds, butterflies–particularly Monarchs– and on our food sources. We are being given an honest appraisal, and the news is not… Read more »

Urgent: Threat of Blanket Spraying of Pesticides in California

Urgent: Threat of Blanket Spraying of Pesticides in California Below is a letter that we have e-mailed to the California Department of Food and Agriculture. There is a draft that would allow the blanket spraying of 79 chemicals, some known to be connected to environmental and health problems. Please consider e-mailing comment before Oct 31,… Read more »

Bottling the 2014 Distilled Product

Bottling the 2014 Distilled Product Katherine Presley joined us this last summer, bringing her skills and care in helping Donald with distillation, and now helping Patricia bottle the distilled products. She thoroughly understands Biodynamic practices, being trained in England in anthroposophy and teaching in Waldorf schools. She is truly a resource for us! Here she… Read more »

Jung and Steiner Seminar in San Francisco

On Saturday, October 18, 2014, I will be presenting a seminar at the C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco on The Spiritualized Earth, Birth of the New Consciousness: Jung’s Analytical Psychology and Steiner’s Biodynamic Agriculture: What Might Save Us.  Since the Fall, mankind has been separated  from experiencing the Divine in the natural world…. Read more »

Last Harvests of Season, Composting What’s Left

Last Harvests of Season, Composting What’s Left We are doing the last harvests of the season: yesterday, the rose geranium (and distillation), today the harvest of the Fuyu persimmons, which our son Jesse will include in First Light Farm Share boxes. He and his wife Lisa planted them some years ago and the trees are… Read more »

Biodynamic Farming Heals the Farmer

Biodynamic Farming Heals the Farmer The nonviolent approach does not immediately change the heart of the oppressor. It first does something to the hearts and souls of those committed to it. It gives them new self-respect; it calls up resources of strength and courage they did not know they had. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr…. Read more »

Charlie Toledo: On Fun and Wholeness

When I was interviewing Napa therapist and water activist Charlie Toledo, Executive Director of the Suscol Intertribal Counsel, this week, we had a conversation not directly related to the drought and water that I found particularly healing. She told me that in pantheistic times, people had more fun. “When I speak to elementary school kids,… Read more »

Charlie Toledo: The Earth is Alive!

This week I had the good fortune to interview water activist Charlie Toledo about the upcoming election ballot measure Proposition One that provides funds for alleviating some of the water problems in California. We are in our third year of drought. Suddenly the general population is acutely aware of the implications!  There are some big… Read more »

Interview: Charlie Toledo on California Water Legislation

              Interview: Charlie Toledo on California Water Legislation Charlie Toledo, Executive Director of the Suscol Intertribal Council in Napa, CA, spoke with me this week about the upcoming election’s Proposition One, on Water. Charlie helped author the Watershed Development plan for Napa County in its seminal years, 1992-1995, and… Read more »