Drought, Racu and the Rainmaker

Although Racu has moved on to greener pastures, and in his place, less cantankerous llama Hijo guards, this true story about a rainmaker at another time of severe drought has never been more relevant. The blog first appeared in June 2011 at the beginning of California’s drought.   At first no one noticed the Buddha I had placed in the forest… Read more »

Rainfall: Only the Goats Complain!

Rainfall: Only the Goats Complain! We woke to light rain, 0.3 inch, added to the 0.1 from last week. After months of the summer dryness in the third year of drought, everything looks fresh and clean, except, of course, the goats, who hate rain and complain about coming out and about staying in. In the… Read more »


Coyotes Why are the coyotes so active right now? A mother and her two almost fully grown pups saunter across the meadow this morning and our guard llama Hijo alarms with his whiny. Not okay! he seems to say. Not on my watch! They are an important part of the ecosystem here, and I would not… Read more »

Is There a Biodynamic Lifestyle?

In a radio interview this last week, I was asked, “Are there ways for people who don’t want to be farmers to live biodynamic lives?” This question cuts to the chase. “Yes,” I replied, and suggested practical actions, like joining a Biodynamic CSA (Community Supported Agriculture, in which you subscribe and get a box of… Read more »

Grape Harvest Over, Two to Go!

Do you want to take my picture? he asks.           We finished the grape harvest this week, just as showers came and the earth was as muggy as the Midwest. There is a certain joy and sigh of relief when the truck is loaded with a season’s labor and it is… Read more »

The Sale of a Small Family Farm

When I saw the recent missed call on my cell phone, I grew worried. I had just spoken with my sister Judy several hours before. Something must have happened. I didn’t reach her until late in the afternoon. “I received the first payment,” she said. “The farm is gone.” We knew this was coming. I… Read more »

Grape Harvest Has Begun!

Surveying the fruits of his labor of the last year. We picked the first third of the grapes yesterday morning, the area of the vineyard we call the old Chardonnay. It produced almost 3 1/2 tons per acre, a good yield of quality Biodynamic organic grapes!  The workers began at dawn and finished late morning,… Read more »

Lilith–Serpent Dragon Wakes

When a serpent dragon wakes, beware! In the early hours of August 24, I woke to the slam of an earthquake which rocked the house and then kept going, increasing in intensity, for a full 45 seconds. Outside the sky lit up, confusing my sleep-drugged mind. Was this a thunderstorm—or had a bomb just dropped?… Read more »

Baked Chicken or Turkey

Baked Chicken or Turkey An easy way to bring the taste of Provence into your kitchen is to stuff a chicken or turkey with our cooking stems. Soak the stems for at least 30 minutes in water. Meanwhile, wash the bird and then rub salt and olive oil into the skin and body cavity. Put… Read more »

Savory Roast with Lavender

Savory Roast with Lavender Meat is wonderful seasoned with lavender. One of my favorite ways to cook a pork roast is to insert garlic cloves into the roast (and this works with beef as well) and then roll the roast in a mixture of flour, salt, pepper, and a handful of loose lavender flowers. Go… Read more »