Grapes Ripening Already!

Grapes are softening. Still tart, though!             Grapes Ripening Already! I woke this week to the familiar hum of the sulfur dusters in our neighbors’ vineyards, a sound that soon will be stopping for the season. We dusted for the last time this last week.  Once the grapes go into… Read more »

Vine Mealybug

Pheromone strip.       We use organic pheromone strips (allowed by our certifier) in the vineyard to disrupt the mating cycle of the Vine Mealybug. It has been very effective! Use of these strips has reduced vine mealybug populations enormously in the last three years. The insects were introduced into southern California from Mexico… Read more »

Hawk Perch in Lavender

Formidable, particularly to a mouse!               Hawk Perch in Lavender Here he is, using the perch as it was intended!  Hawks are important in rodent control in our lavender and vineyard. This is probably a Red-Tailed Hawk, or Swainson’s Hawk, and he eats a lot of gophers.

Signs of the Turning of the Seasons Already?

Signs of the Turning of the Seasons Already? The poison oak on our property is one of the first plants to exhibit fall colors, and it is beautiful!  Here it is, and it is only the beginning of summer!

Distillation is about Essence

Collecting unfilteredd lavender essential oil after distillation   Donald is distilling lavender, and it is not a process for the young! In chemist/philosopher Primo Levi’s words,  “…it is a slow, philosophic, and silent occupation, which keeps you busy but gives you time to think about other things…” a process whereby “you acquire the consciousness of… Read more »

Lavender Days

  Sunrise   Donald wakes with the slightest light in the east, makes a cup of tea, goes to the still to begin the day’s work while it is still cool. It will be hot today, and tomorrow, and the next, but it is prime distillation time. The sun rises, bumble bees still sleeping in… Read more »

Lavender Harvest: Distillation

Lavender Harvest: Distillation The moon is in Aquarius, an air (and flower) sign, and an ideal time to begin the lavender harvest for distillation. We will harvest and distill almost everyday over these next two to three weeks. The bees tell us the flowers are ready, the fields really abuzz!

Open House Prep: Goat Gate

Curse: May you be blessed with smart goats!                 Open House Prep: Goat Gate The goats do keep us on our toes!  Last year they broke out of their assigned area during the first Biodynamic tour of our ranch and joined us! As much as I love walking… Read more »

Ami Mauntner, Napa Valley Apothecary, to speak at Harms Vineyards and Lavender Fields Open House

Ami Mauntner, Napa Valley Apothecary, to speak at Harms Vineyards and Lavender Fields Open House Ami Mauntner, proprietor of Napa Valley Apothecary, First Street, Napa, will be speaking at 2 pm on The Many Healing Uses of Lavender for the Mind, Body and Spirit. She will demonstrate recipes for making lavender inspired body care products and healing… Read more »

First Light Farm CSA

Two of my favorite farmers: Jesse and Wesley     If you live in Sonoma or Marin County, you have access to a real deal!  Join the First Light Farm CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) and get a box of certified organic veggies every week from July 1 through December. Jesse Pizzitola and Nathan Boone have… Read more »