Honoring the Ancestors: Jane and Jo Wheelwright, Part Four

Honoring the Ancestors: Jane and Jo Wheelwright, Part Four Twenty four years ago this fall, my candidate group began our training to become Jungian analysts. We were the last group to meet with Jo and Jane Wheelwright, some of the first generation analysts from our Institute, meaning that they were analyzed by Jung. They were also… Read more »

Honoring the Ancestors and Don Sandner: Part Two

Don preparing to carry Taos drum up a cliff in a bedspreadd. Honoring the Ancestors and Don Sandner: Part Two Don Sandner was a training analyst in our Institute for years. He also worked with a Navaho medicine man for 16 summers, resulting in his book Navaho Symbols of Healing (Hartcourt Brace, 1979; Healing Arts… Read more »

Honoring the Ancestors, Part One

Honoring the Thinning Veil, Glastonbury, 2010 Honoring the Ancestors, Part One Each year the San Francisco Jung Institute celebrates Ancestors’ Day around the time of the Day of the Dead. Analysts, candidates, and interns gather and remember those in our Institute community who have passed the threshold into the Beyond. This last Sunday we especially… Read more »

Calling Spirit Fox

At the cricket concert Calling Spirit Fox My grandson Wesley is three, and he is so curious! Where is the fox family, he wants to know. We are walking past the culvert that the mother, father, and three kits occupied in June on our way to look at a snake skin I found earlier in… Read more »

Spirit Images: Symbolic or Direct Perception?

Strong Presence of the Elements Spirit Images: Symbolic or Direct Perception? It was as if the air had been sucked out of the room. Our sense of reality was being questioned! We all sat there, both sides, brought up short by the question. Are the figures we meet in the sweat lodge symbolic, or are… Read more »

Thinning of the Veil: Remembering the Dead

Veil Mysteries on our ranch. Thinning of the Veil: Remembering the Dead When you look back, you often see what brought you to where you are. There are the mentors and teachers, the happy accidents, the inspirations and intuitions you followed, or not. Anthroposophist Rudolf Steiner would say that the dead are also assisting you,… Read more »

Blessed Greenness

 Detail of Gaia, Ceramic Piece by Genevieve Haven Blessed Greenness Carl Jung defines the benedicta viriditas, “blessed greenness,” as …the state of someone who, in his wanderings among the mazes of his psychic transformation, comes upon a secret happiness which reconciles him to his apparent loneliness. In communing with himself he finds not deadly boredom and melancholy but… Read more »

Demeter’s Grief: Reflections on Our Evolution

No wonder she was tempted! Demeter’s Grief: Reflections on Our Evolution Yes, she was a great Goddess, that Medium of a tone of consciousness, and boy, was she pissed! Her daughter Persephone had been abducted by Pluto into Hades and the Underworld. In her fury, Demeter stopped everything from growing until she got Persephone back…. Read more »

Join us Saturday in the Corn Room!

Donald by one of the corn room’s walls. He is 6’6″!         This last weekend Donald and I attended the wedding of Daniele and Jeremy, close friends of our son Jesse and his wife Lisa, at First Light Farm. Jesse planted a corn field for the occasion and hollowed out a “corn… Read more »