“Chicks” of ’66 Graduating Class We were the largest baby boomer class to go through our school, around 60 in our high school graduating class, and most of us had been together since first grade. Many of our fathers farmed as we began first grade; very few did by the time we were… Read more »
Trees I have Known, Part One
Valley Oak by Jesse Pizzitola Jean Bolen’s book, Like a Tree: How Trees, Women, and Tree People Can Save the Planet, reminds me of the trees I have loved in my life. The first was a tall cottonwood on the west end of my parent’s property that cast shade over the yard… Read more »
Re-Storying the Psyche
Some of my storytelling relatives: My grandmother (second from the left) and her sisters, circa 1900’s Re-Storying the Psyche My early training to be an analyst began by listening to my storytelling relatives. Besides the dinner table at noon (communal meals being an important part of communal work), stories were told during Sunday afternoon visiting…. Read more »
Storytelling and the Soul
Storytelling and the Soul Recently my brother Mark recorded a CD of stories about growing up half a century ago on a small farm in central Illinois. It was a time when farmers still worked together baling hay and harvesting, “coming in” for the noon meal—dinner— and telling stories about the morning, or the day… Read more »
Living Here Together
Living Here Together Each year in our Biodynamic organic inspection and certification review, we are asked define the boundaries of land on which we live, describing what is happening on each border. First, starting at the road and following the south fence along the chardonnay vines, I describe the stretch of what we call the… Read more »
Smoky Zeidel interviews Patricia Damery
Smoky Zeidel interviews Patricia Damery The following interview of Patricia Damery by Smoky Zeidel is a posting from Smoky Talks Authors. It was my pleasure to have the chance to talk with author Patricia Damery, whose novel, Snakes, is one of my favorite books of the year. (You can read my review of Snakes here.)… Read more »
Stewardship and the Western European Way
Tree Person and grafted valley oaks. Stewardship and the Western European Way Vine Deloria, Jr., Sioux scholar, questions the concept of stewardship. It implies “taking care of” or “managing”, not being in dialogue with or balance, yet another version of western European “dominion over.” It is also a word I remember from my early childhood… Read more »
Naomi Lowinsky’s Commentary on Snakes, A Novel by Patricia Damery
Naomi Lowinsky’s Commentary on Snakes, A Novel by Patricia Damery The Motherline Muse by Naomi Ruth Lowinsky Motherline stories evoke a worldview in which all beings and times are interconnected…They are as common as the repetitive loops made in weaving, crocheting and knitting. They are as powerful as touching a grandmother’s face in childhood, or… Read more »
Book Review: Four Eternal Women: Toni Wolff Revisited: A Study of Opposites
Book Review: Four Eternal Women: Toni Wolff Revisited: A Study of Opposites by Patricia Damery Four Eternal Women: Tony Wolff Revisited: A Study in Opposites, by Mary Dian Molton and Lucy Anne Sikes (Fisher King Press, 2011) amplifies Toni Wolff’s paper, “Structural Forms of the Feminine Psyche (1934).” The model uses Wolff’s quaternity of archetypal… Read more »
Smoky Talks Book Review of Snakes, by Patricia Damery
JUNE 27, 2011 · 4:20 PM ↓ Jump to Comments Smoky Talks Book Review of Snakes, by Patricia Damery Snakes, by Patricia Damery Review by Smoky Zeidel, Author of Observations of an Earth Mage, The Cabin, and Redeeming Grace. Fisher King Press, 2011, $17.97 Someone who reads as much as I read obviously has a love affair… Read more »
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