Lisa is at Petaluma Market tomorrow, March 30!

Lisa is at Petaluma Market tomorrow, March 30! Our daughter-in-law Lisa is offering samples and suggestions for use of our Certified Biodynamic organic lavender essential oil, facial mist, and bath salts tomorrow, Saturday, March 30  at Petaluma Market in Petaluma, California, from 4-7 pm. She will also be there Friday, April 12, from 3-5 pm…. Read more »

Grape Buds Appear

Grape Buds Appear   What is always amazing to me is that in the cup of the first tiny leaves opening from the bud on the grapevine rests the tiny bunches which will bloom in a few weeks and, fertilized, become grapes.

Aldo Leopold and Goethe

A paperback version from Ballantine Books, 1966. Many of us at the conference carried this edition.                 Aldo Leopold and Goethe The principles Aldo Leopold wrote about in A Sand County Almanac, first published in 1949, are so similar to those principles in Rudolf Steiner’s Biodynamic Agriculture, and further… Read more »

Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox Another image from the Geography of Hope Conference, as invoked in a closing “prayer” by  West Marin resident Diane as she placed us in geographic historical context:   The equinox sunrise is sited in a Serpent Mound alignment. Attunement with astrological events was important to our ancestors. You may have met Norma Churchill at… Read more »

Leopold’s Land Ethic

Estella Leopold, Aldo Leopold’s youngest daughter, and his great grandson Jed Meunier read from the newly published anthology of his work, Leopold.                   Leopold’s Land Ethic Perhaps the most stirring phrase I heard throughout the Geography of Hope Conference this weekend in Point Reyes Station was Aldo… Read more »


Tiny bud. Within a couple of days, leaves will be unfolding.                 Budbreak Yesterday Ramon asked that the goats no longer walk through the vines as the buds have swollen into white fuzzy bulblike balls and will be unfolding within the day into tiny leaves (delicacies to a… Read more »

Vineyard Work

Black-shouldered Kite                 Vineyard Work A new visitor was on the hawk’s perch this morning, a formidable predator!  He (and I think it is a he) is a little smaller than the Swainson’s hawk who usually perches on this branch, but I am sure that he is every… Read more » New Beginnings!  Our Harms Farm Log domain name was hijacked, so we have another: (Oh, Coyote has his ways!!) We are also shedding some of our old packaging, discontinuing some products and bringing in the new, which we will announce soon. Our updated website will go online next week, making it more searchable,… Read more »

Great Savings!

Great Savings! This is your chance to save some bucks!  We are selling out our current inventory of Facial Mist, Lots o’ Lavender (10 ounce hydrosol to be discontinued), and a small supply of Lavender essential oil. We offer these products at 30% off their regular price while supplies last. And keep an eye on… Read more »

Eating Mystery: Romanesco

Eating Mystery: Romanesco Last night we ate the last of the brassica in the garden that is a cross between broccoli and cauliflower, Romanesco. It is an incredible vegetable, milder than either broccoli or  cauliflower, and sweeter. But most amazing is its fractile pattern: each pointed treelike protrusion is full of identical smaller treelike protrusions,… Read more »