Cup of Tea for Young Lot Sophia

Young Lot Sophia lavender the first week of May. After fermenting the compost tea for at least 24 hours, we serve the young Lot Sophia plants about a cup each. The plants are pushing some growth, which means they are rooting in, and this tea will provide a good source of nutrition to facilitate this… Read more »

Root Days

Monday (fruit/fire day, moon in Leo) we sprayed the third of the Barrel Compost earth sprays in the vineyard and orchard. The next few days (until Saturday morning) are root days (moon in Virgo, earth sign) and are ideal for making compost or compost tea, planting carrots, rutabagas, turnips, onions, or digging onions and potatoes…. Read more »

May Day Honey Bee Report: Rue

A couple of years ago, Ramon gifted our garden with two rue plants that his daughter had rooted. He told us that they would ward off evil. When one died last year, he questioned us carefully about who had been in the garden. Rue on the right at the entry of our garden. We replaced… Read more »

Douglas’ Iris Story

Douglas’ Iris on our ranch Many years ago, Donald had a tenant who lived in the house where Ramon and his family now live who told him a story about the Douglas’ Iris that come up this time of year. The tenant told him they were planted by one of the first pioneers—a little like a… Read more »

Full Bloom Only Eight Weeks Away?

Lavender is still in its wintering mounds, just beginning to send up growth. Yesterday a friend said, “It’s only eight weeks until your Open House!” Yikes!  I thought. This time of year I always go through the same anxiety: will the lavender be in bloom for the Open House? Right now it is just beginning… Read more »

Soil Building to Slow Global Warming

Anna and the compost pile (which is in process of being spread) This short YouTube film shows the importance of soil building in sequestering carbon (in carbon dioxide) and slowing and/or stopping global warming. Inspiring in its four minute message, it also lacks detail, like what would it mean to increase organic matter by 1.6%?… Read more »

Owl’s Clover

When Owl’s Clover shows up, usually in disturbed areas along the driveway, I know we are in mid spring. (Once a consultant told us that those plants growing in disturbed land are building soil.) They are members of the Figwort family, a goat delicacy, and a welcome part of our natural biodiversity. View Our Lavender… Read more »

Wild Strawberries

Although the wildflowers are late and fewer in number this year, it is a very good year for wild strawberries. For whatever reasons, they have spread. This week when we spray the BC prep on a fruit day, we will include the wild strawberry patches! One of the flowering patches, easy to find with their… Read more »

New Life: Young Sophia Lavender

We planted the 130 new lavender plants we had propagated by Morning Sun Herb Farm from our own plant material. We chose a moon sign flower day in which the moon was also descending, ideal for transplanting lavender. Given that our plants last 10-15 years, we want them to have the best start possible, which… Read more »

Life Force and the Madrone

I am always moved by the life force which goes on, regardless. This madrone may well be in its last season, infected by the same fungus that kills the coastal oaks: sudden oak death. Yet it pushes new blossoms. Will our biodynamic preps support this life to overcome the fungus, or are madrone simply moving… Read more »